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In an ideal world, all spinal injuries and conditions would be easily treatable with simple, non-surgical options like medications, physical therapy and exercise. Unfortunately, some conditions are too severe or disabling to manage with non-surgical treatments alone. In such cases, a qualified neurologist like Dr. Neece may recommend an appropriate surgery.

Surgical treatment options currently offered by Dr. Neece’s practice include:

The type of surgery used to correct a given condition should be determined on a case-by-case basis, starting with an appropriate evaluation and diagnosis followed by a thorough exploration of appropriate surgical options with one’s doctor. If you are in the process of choosing a surgical procedure for your neurological issue(s), it is important to maintain an open line of communication with your doctor(s), and ask any questions you may have. Proper communication and an open mind to various options can help ease the decision-making process. An experienced neurosurgeon like Dr. Neece will be careful to recommend not only the most appropriate procedure to correct the problem at hand, but also to fit the patient’s particular needs and level of fitness. What is best for one individual may carry significantly more risk for another.

If you are experiencing pain and/or disability from a neurological condition and would like to discuss surgical options with a qualified neurosurgeon, contact our Frisco, TX office to set up an appointment to see Dr. Neece at your earliest convenience.

What is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MIS) is a general term used to describe a variety of surgical techniques which involve making smaller incisions and reducing the amount of tissue damage beneath the skin. In spinal surgery, minimally invasive surgery is accomplished with the aid of specially designed instruments which assist in visualization of the surgical field. Typically, this is done with tubular retractors such as Luxor™ which allows the surgeon to make a small incision but visualize a larger area beneath the small incision. Spine surgeons who perform minimally invasive spine surgery should be fully trained in the correct use of these techniques.

What are the potential benefits of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

The potential benefits of minimally invasive spine surgery may include smaller scars following the operation and less damage to the surrounding tissues beneath the skin, meaning less pain and blood loss. The potential outcomes of such operations are the reduction of pain and morbidity associated with standard open surgery. At the moment there is insufficient data to show that minimally invasive spine surgery provides any short and long term benefit to patients when compared to traditional spine surgery.

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